
Alla inlägg den 29 november 2007

Av Thess - 29 november 2007 17:36

Closed off from love, i didn’t need the pain.

Once or twice was enough, and it was all in vain.

Time starts to pass. Before you know it you’re frozen

But something happened. For the very first time with you, my heart melted to the ground, found something true.

And everyone’s looking round, thinking I’m going crazy

But I don’t care what they say, I’m in love with you.

They try to pull me away, but they don’t know the truth.

My heart’s crippled by the vein, that I keep on closing.

You cut me open and I...

Keep bleeding

Keep, keep bleeding love

I keep bleeding

I keep, keep bleeding love

Keep bleeding

Keep, keep bleeding love

You cut me open

Trying hard not to hear, but they talk so loud.

Their piercing sounds fill my ears, try to fill me with doubt.

Yet I know that the goal Is to keep me from falling.

But nothing’s greater, than the rest that comes with your embrace.

And in this world of loneliness, I see your face

Yet everyone around me thinks that I’m going crazy, maybe, maybe

But I don’t care what they say, I’m in love with you.

They try to pull me away, but they don’t know the truth.

My heart’s crippled by the vein, that I keep on closing.

You cut me open and I...

Keep bleeding

Keep, keep bleeding love

I keep bleeding

I keep, keep bleeding love

Keep bleeding

Keep, keep bleeding love

You cut me open

And it’s draining all of me, oh they find it hard to believe.

I’ll be wearing these scars, for everyone to see.

I don’t care what they say, I’m in love with you

They try to pull me away, but they don’t know the truth.

My heart’s crippled by the vein, that I keep on closing.

You cut me open and I...

Keep bleeding

Keep, keep bleeding love

I keep bleeding

I keep, keep bleeding love

Keep bleeding

Keep, keep bleeding love

You cut me open and I

Keep bleeding

Keep, keep bleeding love

I keep bleeding

I keep, keep bleeding love

Keep bleeding

Keep, keep bleeding love

You cut me open and I

Keep bleeding

Keep, keep bleeding love

Av Thess - 29 november 2007 16:19

Ah, im home!

Illamåendet är bättre, tack o lov, men näsan har inte gett upp än, attans!

Förövrigt så har man väl mest suttit i en bil idag, varu-rundan går ju på torsdagar.

Mette hade lovat några att vi skulle stanna och dricka kaffe hos dem denna gången. Vi var helt säkra på att de hade glömt det, men icke. Fan ta dig!!

Efteråt fundera vi på vad de hade stoppat i kaffet, tröttheten var inte nådig!

Men tack tant och farbror.

Av Thess - 29 november 2007 08:40

Hör ni någon galen tupp på Ica, så var lugna. Det är bara apologize som har fastnat i mitt huvud.

Oftast blir det mest visslingar dock. Jag spar lättast den röda färgen så när kunderna passerar förbi mig. ;)

Av Thess - 29 november 2007 08:04

Morrn morrn!

Minns ni låten? ;) haha.

Som jag trodde, så somna jag riktigt fort igår och har sovit gott hela natten! Nu är jag ju nästan pigg. ;)

Idag är det en slapp dag på Ica, typiskt en torsdag.

2 dagar kvar, sen kan jag sova länge igen, yey!

Duschen nu, hejs!

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